- 2021-06-03 | Gluu on LXD
- 2020-11-03 | Building LXD images with Packer and Ansible
- 2020-10-11 | Running Wine apps in multi user environment
- 2016-02-07 | HAProxy build with more Debian-like configuration
- 2016-01-07 | Example of MySQL incremental backup with XtraBackup
- 2016-01-03 | Using Ansible with pass
- 2015-12-27 | My way to auto update Let's Encrypt certs without downtime
- 2015-01-14 | Quick way to setup VirtualBox VM in multi user environment
- 2014-01-17 | Manual HA Failover Cluster with Linux Containers, DRBD and Btrfs
- 2013-11-08 | Virtualize a broken Windows XP machine with KVM or Xen, Part2
- 2013-11-03 | Virtualize a broken Windows XP machine with KVM or Xen, Part1
- 2013-10-28 | My presentation on OpenFest 2013
- 2013-10-04 | Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop with Zentyal 3.2